yamantaka mantra benefitsproblems encountered in teaching physical education pdf

everything is 100% complete. All the confusion and disturbing emotions and compulsiveness of our samsaric, karmic type of life is occurring on grosser levels, not this subtlest level that just provides the continuity. Yama is mentioned in the tenth book of the Rg Veda. So every single day, the bare minimum for the first, second and fourth mantra, is 21 times. According to the pure and unbroken lineage of the. To understand the emergence of Yamantaka there and this practice there, otherwise it doesnt make any sense that it was kept there, we need to look at the history of Yama. The traditional account of how Buddha gave these teachings was that he arose in the form of Yamantaka just as when Buddha gave the teachings of other tantras, like Guhyasamaja and Chakrasamvara, he arose in that form and gave the teachings and he gave these teachings in 100,000 chapters. Yamantaka: Yama is death, the Lord of Death, and antaka, the one who puts an end to, so the one who puts an end to the Lord of Death. Yamantaka is in the form of a very, very strong, forceful figure and has Manjushri in his heart (so very peaceful, calm, the complete understanding of reality). Its very, very delicate. Alright? In the Buddhist variant, Yamantaka overcomes Yama like Shiva overcame Yama using the name Kala, Kalantaka. And one collects great amount of merit while one is perpetuating Yamantaka. So these ideas about Yama are percolating in this cultural area, with influence from these three different ways of thinking the Iranian, the Indian non-Buddhist, and the Buddhist. Anyway, enough of history and stories. Composed by. The three right faces are yellow, blue and red and the three left are black, white and smoky. those that use desire as a path (Guhyasamaja is the example). As Serkong Rinpoche used to explain: You want to chase thieves away from your gate. Thats the story., And he was still so angry and upset, he decided to kill everybody in Tibet. Ra Lotsawa asked him to please come to the monastery to give teachings, but the Guru said, This is the place. The pads of the feet and palms of the hands are red, and the nails are like iron hooks. Whereas in other tantras its OM, whatever deity, A Buddha that appears and teaches the tantras is yet another type of Buddha. But now its with a totally calm understanding of reality that we can apply in meditation at this time of clear light in order to be able to get: If we do this often enough and strongly enough, were able to stay like that forever. This is very similar to the water/pus/nectar discussion, that: All three of these visions of what a Buddha is are all valid, but theyre valid within their own context, and that you have to understand within their own context. And one should also learn the Lama Chopa Tsog, one should learn the Lama Chopa Tsog, to be done to Yamantaka every two weeks. We want to help others as much as possible. Consequently the practice became one of the three principal tantras taught at the tantric colleges and monastic universities. But in order to do that, we have to have a very, very strong motivation because its really very difficult to do that. As I mentioned, most people will refer to it as Yamantaka. So thats a little bit different. For that you need a teacher.. He then killed the two thieves and drank their blood from cups made from their skulls (so the skull-cup image). It is not to be given lightly. And he becomes a guardian of the hells. So, Yamantaka's practice is very powerful for protecting oneself against negative, destructive energy. The Hundred-Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva. Whos this Yamantaka? He tried to locate a tantra text in India of Vajrabhairava, but he couldnt find anything. No other deity is more wrathful than Yamantaka. Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelug school, emphasized and promoted the practice of Vajrabhairava. Its very clear in that text, the Wheel of Sharp Weapons, that the weapons are intended to overcome our self-cherishing, our grasping for our self, and so on. We need a combination of compassion we want to help others and force and strength that Im not going to let all this junk thats going on in my mind prevent me from being able to help others, like laziness: I dont feel like doing it. Remember this association of Yamantaka with Manjushri? those that use anger or transform it into the path (like Vajrabhairava). It has been identified archaeologically as Swat Valley in northwestern Pakistan, present-day Pakistan. Plus in the palace itself of Guhyasamaja, you have four gateways, and Yamantaka is there in one of the gateways as a protector also. Its a very different type of Buddha. They built the Forbidden City and the Imperial City, and all these things, and it was envisioned and laid out like a Yamantaka mandala, and the emperor was Yamantaka in the center of this. The first chapter describes the mandala palace thats to be revealed during the initiation, the offerings to be made, the attainments that you can get, and some brief instructions on doing the retreat to gain powers against harmful interferences. luis urdaneta monat venezuela. There are many variants of everything. So, this one you can do either the short one, you can do the long one, its up to you. Theyre not different people. But how do you understand this person? Solitary-Hero Yamantaka. He got the insight that we need a Guru to cross the ocean of samsara. Yamantaka Initiation July 17-18; Search. Sometimes the study of Sanskrit and Tibetan is quite useful for clearing up some of these confusing issues., In the Upanishadic period, what we also find is that you have directional protectors. Close Menu And if people try to do it and use these disturbing emotions before they are at a sufficiently highly developed level, the danger is that they really come under the influence of anger and desire, and then its a disaster. And every single day one should make biscuits and cookies, offer one main biscuit, one main cookie to Yamantaka and two smaller ones, one to the entourage and one to the Directional Protectors at the end of the sadhana. First they beheaded the water buffalo in front of the hermit, and the hermit pleaded with them Please wait a few minutes more till I finish my fifty years of meditation but they beheaded him as well, before he could finish. So we get Vajrabhairava in the Buddhist variant, and theyre basically just taking the name of Shiva and adding Vajra in front of it., In one of the Puranas this is a later Hindu text (the Markandeya Purana, if you want to know the name) Shiva subdues Yama, and then Shiva is called Kalantaka, the one who puts an end to kala kala, time, which was another name for Yama. (2) You remember I said that Vajrabhairava is the container within which you combine Guhyasamaja practices and Chakrasamvara practices in the Gelugpa way of practicing? But just understanding it doesnt make you change but realizing it and it becomes second nature will provoke change. In order to engage in its practice, . From amongst the many lineages of practices to enter Tibet, two translators, Ra Lotsawaand Mal Lotsawa were known to have disseminated the main transmissions of Yamantaka. The full form of Vajrabhairava has nine heads, the central one being that of a buffalo, and the top-most being that of yellow Manjushri with a slightly wrathful expression. I think that basically what is possible is to just give a little bit of information about it. One has to be very, very well prepared and have a very realistic idea of how difficult its going to be. He grabbed onto the Guru when he was going into voidness meditation and said, Youve been lying and withholding from me! and requested again. (Now, remember in tantra that having all these faces and arms and legs they all represent different realizations, different aspects of the path that we want to be able to have fully realized simultaneously. Contact: a.sofialopez99@gmail.com. So hence, while were practicing Yamantaka were not also practicing only tantra, were practicing sutra because Yamantakas path combines both sutra and tantra. So therefore if we have created something very negative, very powerfully negative, imagine what Yamantaka can help us in. The name Bhairava indicating one of Shivas main forms and the various attributes/implements like the trident, tiger-skin, ashes, drum (Skt: damaru), etc. Seng Piow here can give you the tsog dates, which is twice a month for the next year, and the year after that, if he has. When you talk about different cultures being present in one area, they dont exist in isolation, do they, in isolation from each other?. (3) And then the third point is that he holds a khatvanga staff, which indicates that he incorporates the teachings of voidness and bliss from Chakrasamvara. Thats what a Buddha does. There are two main traditions: Okay, enough of art history or iconography. "Like other wrathful deities, Yamantaka gives the forces of the Shadow [in the Jungian sense] a symbol that hooks their energy and provides a channel and direction for their expression and transformation" (Preece, p. 187). So already you get that name Dharmaraja in the non-Buddhist context. Yamantaka is the wrathful emanation of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom. As Bulcsu Siklos explains in his book, the lineage of the Vajrabhairava tantra texts was brought to Tibet by Atisha, who had many Indian masters. Its Its very interesting whats actually here in the root tantras. What you find here in all these chapters of these three texts are very, very strong rituals that are dealing with overcoming harmful beings, and you read them and they really sound absolutely violent and horrible., The first one, the Condensed Chapters of the Root Tantra,has seven chapters condensed from that 100,000 chapter version (either 100,000 chapters or verses its unclear because the text is lost)., One of the people later in the lineage is Atisha, one of the people who brought it originally to Tibet. And in the Avesta you also find Yama here its called Yima and hes also the first man to die, and he also becomes the guardian of the hells. In the other schools of Tibetan Buddhsim, Yamantaka seems to be mostly revered as a protector. Dancing costume and mask of Yamantaka, worn by Tibetan monks (Buddhists) during Cham Dance. Then do a very powerful dedication, to Yamantaka at the end and that will be very good. Vajrabhairava is sometimes called just Yamantaka. You could ask, Well, how does that work? So hence, it has those kind of benefits. And if youre going to do it, you do it every day for the rest of your life. If one form becomes too popularized so that it becomes commonplace and trivialized as in having Kalachakra T-shirts and this sort of thing then theres usually a revelation of another form because it really has to be something sacred and private, not something popular. (5) And the fifth point is that to attain enlightenment we need to rely on the deep awareness of Manjushri. So Dharmaraja, the King of Dharma, is also a name that is applied to Yama, who is then taken later into Buddhism as a protector (hes tamed by Yamantaka and made into a protector). More precisely, the Manchus identified Beijing as the Vajrabhairava manadala with the Forbidden City, the Imperial City and the Outer City forming three concentric mandala circles, with the Emperor as Vajrabhairava in the center. Its the fact that a Buddha can appear in any form whatsoever in order to be able to benefit others. So whats the Buddhist version of the legend? If you memorize this, well give you a yak, well give you a camel, stuff like this. He represents the power, energy, and fearlessness of the Buddhas. But because Yama appears in this general Indian context as one of the directional protectors, then in the Yamantaka practice, in Guhyasamaja practice in so many different practices then in the Buddhist context, you call in the fifteen directional protectors, and Yama is one of them. So in the sensory offerings Yamantaka, the GHENDE, or the perfume is after the flower. Next to where the Eastern Mongols lived were the Manchus. There are either eight or ten directional protectors, and Yama is one of them. Its supposed to be kept that way because it could be completely misunderstood as some horrible thing, and that practitioners actually go out and kill people. Not only is he terrifying to look at but according to the Vajrabhairava Tantra he also has conquered all evil spirits, including the Lord of Death, Yama. And so, similar to that, you always set up a protection space. Otherwise, I wish you the best. And also hes mentioned in the Manjushri-namasamgiti. Thats the reason. So, mother tantra and father tantra, both can bring you to Enlightenment, but they focus on different types of afflictions to be converted. One can guess though. Then he was ready to do more meditation, there was no need for further teachings. The right legs are bent pressing down on a man, animals and various gods. Exposing these teachings is like exposing their heart. So this guy does this practice, and he gets a vision Go to Swat and he believes it. After these thirteen months, he met the Guru again at the monastery and reported all of his insights. So its not for the weak-hearted ones that Ooh, Ill try doing a little bit and Do I like this? Ra Lotsawa meditated for eleven months. And so you have a structure, which you get in Chandrakirtis commentaries to Guhyasamaja tantra, in which he gives the structure of six alternatives and four modes (mtha'-drug tshul-bzhi) for explaining these so-called vajra expressions. Its totally improper to bribe people to practice this tantra. But the Manchu ruler didnt want to get involved with this, and so he said, Take it to the Fifth Dalai Lama. (The mandala is the palace in which we live as this figure: not that theres a kitchen and a living room or anything like that, but were in this palace. Yamantaka is in the form of a very, very strong, forceful figure and has Manjushri in his heart (so very peaceful, calm, the complete understanding of reality ). Yamantaka's power and virtue are therefore equal to that of a buddha. Menekuni Sadhana Yamantaka Vajra harus sangat ketat mentaati sila, barangsiapa melanggar sila berat maupun melanggar pancasila tidak boleh menekuninya ; Kecuali memohon pertobatan kepada Vajrasattva, menjapa 21 kali Mantra Sataksara Vajrasattva, setelah menjapanya menyatakan pertobatan, menekuninya hingga muncul fenomena manggala dari buah . The type of Buddha that is in the Mahayana sutras is a completely different type of Buddha. Hence, if you do Yamantakas practice and you combine it with the four preliminary practices such as offerings, mandala, prostrations, Vajrasattva, etc. Last but not least, read up on your Bodhisattva Vows, read up on your Tantric Vows. So he is that powerful. Thats the ancient, ancient Indian text. So hes called Dharma, the Lord of Dharma, and thus he becomes called Dharmaraja (Chos-rgyal). After the initiation, the Guru snapped his fingers and the mandala disappeared. The Sutra path is longer not because the Sutra is slow, the Sutra path is longer is because the Sutric method is less challenging, less pushy and less demanding. Ive made offerings to Manjushri for you, for the success of your practice. So it comes from this general Indian background. So we have: But all of these have a buffalo head and a Manjushri head on top. The third mantra is 21 but if you can do more its much, much, much, much better. And so he asked, Can I take the tantra teachings back to my homeland, to India? She said no. Tibetans and Indian practitioners have always focused on Manjushri in order to gain super intelligence, super clarity of mind. So like that there are many, many, many, many benefits to doing Yamantakas tantra. This is what we hear from the Buddhist version of the history. Because a Buddha in Mahayana is one that teaches the entire universe. You go a bit crazy because youre working with all these images in your imagination and so on, especially if you start to try to work with the energies of your body. It seems that the term Yamantaka (and Yamari) is used in a more general way than Vajrabhairava which is restricted to the buffalo-headed yidam of the Gelug and Sakya schools (see Lokesh Chandra). In other words, our mental activity during that short period of death is just this subtlest, subtlest level. Its dynasty ruled for a long time that whole area from Eastern Iran all the way over to north-central India, and so you had there a mixture of Iranian and ancient Indian ideas and mythology and various religious ideas, terminology, and so on. He said, I am in complete possession of wealth as vast as space, I dont need any expensive offerings or praises. Ra Lotsawa had been thinking in too limited a way. So the people of Tibet were afraid for their lives, and they prayed to Manjushri to listen to them. To this very day it is considered one of the most important yidam practices, both for monastic and lay practitioners alike. New rebirth samsaric rebirth with another cluster or configuration of these habits being activated and generating the next samsaric life filled with the same types of compulsive behavior and confusion. When he gave the teachings, the Guru manifested from his heart a huge mandala with myriads of dakas and dakinis making preparation for teachings, arranging the throne, etc. Disaster. So one can do a Yamantaka torma, an entourage of Yamantaka torma, and a ten wrathful deity which you will see in a sadhana torma. Now, within those so-called hidden tantras in which the fourth initiation is hidden, you have different systems: you have mother tantra (ma-rgyud); you have father tantra (pha-rgyud). Remember Lalitavajra, the guy who found it there in Ogyen, hes the tenth century. Kriya Tantra: The Four Types of Mental Stability, The Nature of Appearances: Madhyamaka & Highest Tantra, The Nature of Appearances: Gelug Explanation - Part 5 of 5. The passage of time brings death, doesnt it? But that wasnt the case, because you can see from Wheel of Sharp Weapons that the image is intended for having this strength, as I was saying before, to cut through your ignorance, your self-cherishing, your self-grasping. Thats not the Buddha that theyre talking about. Hence, the person finds it much easier. instructions for accomplishing various extremely forceful actions against harmful beings through fire pujas, meditation practices for extremely forceful actions against harmful beings and warnings about keeping secrecy about these practices.. I personally find it quite fascinating and actually quite helpful to see what actually has happened with this practice, how does it actually fit into history, the religious development, and so on. So they basically bribed the people to adopt Yamantaka, like the Christian missionaries are doing now in Mongolia, paying people to go to church, so it's a similar type of thing. The basic sahaja (two-armed) form of Vajrabhairava is blue-black in color, with the face of an extremely enraged buffalo; two sharp horns, with flames coming from their tips. Either one is very good. It comes already in this early time. He came from Odisha. He was the first mortal to die, and thus, because of that, he became the Lord of Death. Im always curious why it has a buffalo head. The statue is shown with three faces, each with a third eye. Both practice texts are available in English translation on this website. That is the female partner of Vajrabhairava actually, which is actually a very interesting point, isnt it that the one who was the guardian of these teachings was a woman. Now you have no more obstacles and have been uplifted by Buddhas compassion., The Guru then told Ra Lotsawa to make preparation for the teachings in a different place. The Ngor Mandala collection of the Sakya tradition alone, lists eight different forms/lineages of the blue/black buffalo-faced Vajrabhairava which include two from the Gelug tradition and four of red Rakta- or blue Krishna-Yamari without the buffalo head. Why? Memorize your Bodhisattva and Tantric Vows and practice your Bodhisattva and Tantric Vows, because holding the vows will be a very important point for you to achieve Yamantakas attainments. In both schools, Vajrabhairava is seen as the wrathful manifestation of Manjushri, the Buddha of wisdom. Where is Ogyen? We already explained how this practice transforms it so that you dont experience ordinary death you change that experience in terms of the clear-light mind, using that to get the understanding of voidness. There are many, many powers to doing Yamantakas tantra. First about my own background. "In the practice of Highest Yoga Tantra, try to focus on everything causing great bliss within you. It can also subdue the four maras, Devaputra mara, Skanda mara, Klesa mara, and Mrtyu mara. In the highest class of tantra you have four initiations (or four empowerments), and the fourth one is to empower you to do the final, final, final practices where you have the practice of the two truths simultaneously., Thats the only point that is hidden or secret in terms of that division. Vajrapani wears a loin-cloth around his hips. Please read, please read and its in Chinese also, if you need, we have it here, The Wheel of Sharp Weapons. That was kept in the Dharmaganja Stupa it was kept inside which was venerated by all the dakinis. yamantaka mantra benefits . In other words, if we can see that history corroborates and fits together okay with the Buddhist version, then our confidence I think is a little bit stronger. waz film plot; asus vivobook pro fingerprint driver; hovercraft for sale australia yamantaka,yamantaka long mantra,yamantaka tibetan mantra,yamantaka mantra,mantra om yamantaka hum phat,mantra yamantaka,the yamantaka mantra,yamantaka dharan. That will be more than enough for you. Himalayan Traditionally Hand-Made Religious Statue Namgyalma Mantra Our very skilled artisan carved this beautiful statue for Namgyalma Mantra using traditional techniques passed from his family lineage. The second of the five special features is that in two of his hands he holds intestines and a triangular fire stove. They made this association that Manchu well, that sounds like Manju of Manjushri so their rulers eventually became recognized as emanations of Manjushri like the association of Avalokiteshvara with the Tibetans and Vajrapani with the Mongols. Yamantaka imitates Yama by both of them having the buffalo head. Tring, U.K., The Institute of Buddhist Studies, 1996. So Yamantaka is already one of the protectors on this wheel in Guhyasamaja as well as on this wheel in the Yamantaka and Hevajra practices. Heinous. He did all the practices and obviously he was very, very advanced and in three months he gained the actual attainments. On top of that, please read (Tibetan name) is the Six Sessions Guru Yoga, which is to be recited six times a day, written by Kyabje Pabongka Dorje Chang. Manjushri is the one that Tsongkhapa had all these visions of and relied on for getting real nonconceptual cognition of voidness., And it goes down the Gelugpa line to, eventually, the Fourth Panchen Lama. Its not easy to memorize these things., He realized that it was beyond his ability to memorize so much (because it was quite big), and so he circumambulated the stupa and made requests to Manjushri for inspiration, and he was able to memorize three texts. He was a master at Nalanda University. Fire Ritual(Part 4) Fire Ritual(Part 3) Fire Ritual(Part 2) Fire Ritual(Part 1) Yamantaka Initiation July 17-18; Recent Comments. If youre able to transform the clear light of death into this understanding of voidness, you wont get the aggregates of another samsaric rebirth, so it overcomes the mara of the aggregates. So were talking about a kingdom up in the mountains of northwestern Pakistan. So we can be very good Buddhist practitioners and not be these religious fanatics that say, All these Buddhologists and the scientific study of the texts, and so on were not interested in that. Theres no contradiction. I dont know. instructions for painting the full single-deity Vajrabhairava, with a repeat of the full description of the deity as well as of the charnal grounds (cemetaries). Not that I want to scare anybody, but be realistic. So, for example, the higher father tantras are like, higher mother tantras are like Kalachakra, Heruka, the higher father tantras are, for example, like, Guhyasamaja. Otherwise you get very confused. This is how that came about. Transcribed by Tenzin Losang How could the historical Buddha teach like that?. You even get Mahakala associated here, which literally means the great form of time. But whats interesting is the Tibetans translated kala here as black (nag-po), so Mahakala is called the Great Black One (Nag-po chen-po) in Tibetan. We happily welcome both sponsorships and donations to make these teachings possible! The former emphasizes practices involving the energy-winds arising in subtle forms known as illusory bodies (Tib: sgyu-lus), which are the immediate causes for achieving a Buddhas body of forms (Tib: gzugs-sku, Skt: rupakaya). In Hinduism you have a whole group of deities or figures around Shiva and then a whole group around Vishnu and Krishna (you get two divisions within later Hinduism). In English translation on this website in Mahayana is one of the as much possible. To Yamantaka at the end and that will be very, very advanced in... Talking about a kingdom up in the non-Buddhist context about a kingdom up in the non-Buddhist context,. Always set up a protection space available in English translation on this website have a realistic. To do more meditation, there was no need for further teachings day. Monks ( Buddhists ) during Cham Dance which was venerated by all dakinis! After the initiation, the GHENDE, or the perfume is after the,... 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