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[99] Darkstalker believed that Arctic was the most dangerous dragon within the lost city of night,[100] and when Clearsight observed Arctic and Darkstalker interacting, she noted that there were many giant, furious, unspoken thoughts and feelings that were not verbally expressed between them. When the IceWings took her, Darkstalker offered to kill every IceWing for revenge. Later on, Clearsight and Listener went to a festival being held in the Great Diamond. It was revealed that Darkstalker had enchanted Arctic to obey his every command, then instructed him to disembowel himself instead of murdering the IceWing himself as most believed. Mother Darkstalker also freed Fierceteeth and Strongwings from the RainWing prison, bringing them with him. But with Clearsights strong visions of the future, it made Darkstalker sad that she was never really in the present with him because they were "soulmates". Indigo smashed it before Fathom could take it, fearing that it is enchanted. Menu. Is Darkstalker evil in Wings of Fire? He went past a mountain range, later to be realized as Darkstalker's Teeth by Winter. Later. After this fight, she took off an earring that Arctic had enchanted to protect her, which allowed Queen Diamond's magic to get through to her. [117] He became so desperate to have her back that he attempted to enchant Fierceteeth into a living version of Clearsight. [112] He believed that Clearsight did not want to betray him and was tricked into doing so by Fathom. Book Appearances Whiteout was also one of the only dragons Darkstalker truly loved, according to Clearsight, along with her and Foeslayer. Age Whiteout claimed that she would be an "IceWing princess and have lots of baby IceWings." Clearsight moved him into the cave before covering the entrance with rocks before going to another mountain and waiting for an earthquake she predicted to bury him further. Moon Rising To haunt her with all the ways Darkstalker planned to kill her. Winter remained unaffected by the plague because of Darkstalker's promise to Moonwatcher that he would not hurt her friends. All of the above. Mentioned in [9] He had a narrow, handsome face, long, twisted horns,[9] and was enormous,[10] at least three times as tall as the largest living dragons. He was devastated when he learned that over 5,012 years had passed since the Scorching. ", Darkstalker acted as a mentor to Anemone,[91] and she looked up to him as being wonderful and all-knowing. To kill an Icewing deployed in the Kingdom of Sand under darkness and carve threateneing messages nearby every full moon for one year or until recalled. Approximately 2,007 years (hatched in roughly 3,007 AS) Historical: Diamond, Present: Crystal Hailstorm Icicle Mink Narwhal Permafrost Tundra Winter [118], When Indigo initially attacked Darkstalker, Fathom protested, stating that Darkstalker did not seem dangerous, and admitting wistfully that he could be a friend. Mentioned in Approximately 2,000 years later, Kinkajou used Darkstalker's own talisman to transform him into Peacemaker, using an enchanted strawberry which he ate turning him into a young dragonet with none of his former abilities or memories of his past life. After the party, Darkstalker thought about how Indigo could have killed him right then and there. She was judgmental and regulating towards him, but despite her attempts to control his life, he eventually fled the Ice Kingdom in order to live with Foeslayer. Darkstalker thinks that Fathom looks uncomfortable at the party and possibly terrified since the Royal SeaWing Massacre had happened at a party as well. Later, when Turtle cast the spell to protect Qibli from Darkstalker's enchantments, he came down the hall to Qibli's cave. He asked if Anemone was there and if she cast a spell. Darkstalker was hatched with animus, mind-reading, and prophetic powers. Relatives Darkstalker enchanted Prince Arctic to obey his every command and made his father disembowel himself, and that scared the NightWings into fleeing their city and to the volcanic island. Meir searched his dead father for the bread, "took the bread and began to devour it." Two men had seen the exchange and suddenly threw themselves upon the son. Eventually, he admitted to himself that Clearsight was not here and that she could not be, thus flying back to his tribe. He then asked her to listen, apologizing for everything he did and promising that they could still rule the NightWings together if she came back. [15] He was handsome[16] and powerfully built,[17] with scales that felt as hard as armor due to his enchantment. Appeared in When the vision returned, he turned fake Clearsight back into Fierceteeth and prepared the NightWings for war, granting many of them superpowers along the way. [4] Darkstalker later used his talisman to enchant things in secret. To unfreeze them, the user must say, "unfreeze.". He had been studying animus gifts of the past, trying to come up with his own unique gift. [33] In a letter she sent to Arctic, she said he could return to the Ice Kingdom and be forgiven for his actions if he killed his dragonets. Animus magic, enhanced mind-reading, enhanced foresight Arctic noted that she was the beginning and the end of his universe. [106] Despite his seething hatred towards Darkstalker,[107] Arctic refused to kill his own son. [127] He would have followed Darkstalker anywhere,[128] and Darkstalker was often irritated by Fathom's caution towards animus magic. He then had a conversation with Anemone, Tsunami, and Moonwatcher about animus power. How did Darkstalker get his powers from his father? It seemed as if more dragons were out flying than Peril had seen in ages everyone wanted to spread their wings in the beautiful air. Darkstalker continued to mourn the loss of his mother for a few weeks. Do you think I'd put our dragonets in danger." Darkstalker walked in later with Fierceteeth, enchanted to look and act like Clearsight. When Arctic figured out Hope's name at the time, Foeslayer, he felt a thrill like the first time he had touched fire. To make Fathom forget his animus oath, stop loving Indigo, and use his magic freely after his first sip from it. Enchanted to stop the guards from catching them. To allow the holder to walk in the dreams of any dragon they know or have seen, when the target is sleeping. One night later, Foeslayer had been pacing, frustrated with Arctic for not meeting her, when Arctic used his magic to "freeze" Foeslayer's mother, phased through a wall, and told Foeslayer that they should run away together, then enchanted Foeslayer's earring to be protected from Diamond's enchantments. On her way to see Fathom, Clearsight warned Listener about Darkstalker and told her to escape far away with her family far away from the Night Kingdom. He mentioned that he and Snowflake were engaged, but forgot who she was, which Foeslayer used to tease him. Enchanted to allow the user to walk through walls and turn invisible when turned clockwise, and then turn the user visible once more when it is turned counterclockwise. 1 Answer Sorted by: 3 Gorou Miyazaki had denied that Arren's murder of his father was a reflection of his own feelings; rather, it was more or less the feeling of the young Japanese generation: On Earthsea, Goro denied that Arren's oblique patricide reflected the director's own feelings in an interview at the Venice Film Festival. Diamond His parents, Arctic and Foeslayer, were arguing about Darkstalker's name; Foeslayer, his mother, saw it as a hero that chased back the darkness, while his father, Prince Arctic, saw it as a villain that crept through the shadows. Appeared in [94] Later on, once she and the other animus dragons of Pyrrhia were summoned to Darkstalker, he affirmed his view of her as a tool by suggesting he run tests on her and Stonemover to learn more about animus limits, even suggesting driving her insane. Few NightWings seemed interested in spending time with Darkstalker, knowing his history, but after his offering of superpower enchantments and casting his charm spell on them they begun to warm up to him. Indigo reassured Fathom that "it's safe to be happy," and he responded with, "I know. The contemplation that Hamlet undergoes reveals that failing to revenge for his father's death means allowing other people in the kingdom to kill others at will since they know that their actions will not have consequences. [6], Diamond constantly yelled at and reminded her son about his duties as an IceWing prince. [96], Foeslayer is Darkstalker's mother. Luke knocks Vader down the stairs, "Obi wan has taught you well," Vader acknowledges. Darkstalker told her to kill her mother if she wanted, or anyone else who stands in her way. Special Powers Hamlet did not kill his father. [81] His gaze was intense and made Qibli feel as though Darkstalker could look through him, to see all the versions of Qibli that had ever existed and all of the ones that might ever be. When he arrived at his destination, Turtle realized it to be the lost city of night. He then met his destined love, Clearsight, and took her to the beach the next day in the pouring rain. To injure Arctic to a disabling but not lethal degree. [115] After he was set free, one of the first things he asked about was about Clearsight and what had happened to her. (This is the page for the character named Darkstalker. Darkstalker loved her[109] without reserve or hesitation, mostly reciprocated. Even though Arctic had no NightWing powers, he unintentionally taught Darkstalker how to use them. 1. After disemboweling his father, Moon refused to promote it because of the IceWing plague, and Darkstalker revealed that an IceWing-NightWing battle would take place at Jade Mountain because of his return. [133] However, she was later freed by Fathom, who turned against Darkstalker due to what he had done. Wings of Fire Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. To make animi other than Darkstalker incapable of casting spells in the throne room. [114] She was sad enough about him that she considered staying with him until the mountain crushed her. She mourned him and their possible future dragonets for a long time after he was trapped, and never moved on, even after relocating to Pantala. During the last part of the book, he tries to go to the Ice Kingdom with his daughter, Whiteout, whom he had enchanted to follow him and to speak normally. [2] His scales looked scuffed,[2] and he had a thunderous, glacier-cracking voice,[5] as well as a cracking, bitter laugh that sounded like icicles snapping off of a roof. Furious, Darkstalker grabbed and twisted Clearsight's wrist painfully, and while he is doing so, she slipped the bracelet onto his arm. Historical: Vigilance, Starflight Fatespeaker Moonwatcher Mightyclaws Mindreader Fearless Bigtail, Deadlyclaws Deathbringer Eclipse Farsight Fierceteeth Mastermind Morrowseer Obsidian Preyhunter Quickstrike Secretkeeper Shapeshifter Slaughter Smokeseer Stonemover Strongwings Vengeance Wisdom, Allknowing Clearsight Discretion Foeslayer Foreseer Jewel-eyes Listener Morrowwatcher Prudence Quickdeath Starclaws Swiftwings Thoughtful Truthfinder Tunesmith Vision, Darkstalker Whiteout Eclipse Fierceclaws Peacemaker Shadowhunter Sunny Firefly Commodore Jewel Orange Tortoiseshell, NightWing island: NightWing tunnels Akuma's appearance resembles that of a Nio, one of a . Whenever the user would point it in the direction of a dragon, it would freeze them whenever the user says "freeze." But his ambition didn't stop there; Darkstalker forcefully took over the other tribes, proclaiming himself King of Phyrria. [3] He could not bear to keep secrets from her,[29] and worried about her safety. [34] There was fury, bitterness,[35] suspicion, hatred, and emanating outrage from both partners. Why Larys Strong Killed Lyonel & Harwin For Alicent Larys got the idea to kill his father and brother after listening to Alicent complain about King Viserys turning a blind eye to Harwin and Rhaenyra's affair, and how she wishes the Hand of the King was still her own father Lord Otto Hightower instead of Lyonel. A2 Diamond, Prudence Affiliations After finding his father suspicious, he read his mind and, in his future, saw blood and death. Frostbite, Penguin In chapter 71, Light was setting up a plan that would prove himself to be innocent of being the killer (Kira); would give the NPA (National Police Agency of Japan) the advantage over Mello; and would keep him safe if Mello would ever get hold of his picture.. The blue blood would drip down Darkstalker's midnight black scales as he would toss the corpse aside. The NightWing dragonets even thought of him as a monster. The next day, after school, Darkstalker took Clearsight to his house, which was empty; both of his parents were at work. Arctic, fully aware that he was breaking almost every IceWing law but already hopelessly in love, enchanted a diamond earring to keep Foeslayer warm. Eventually, Darkstalker asked Fathom if he wanted to fly up to the Royal Tower and watch the lightning storm with him. Stonemover, Sunny, Winter, Hailstorm, Icicle After awakening from his sleeping spell, Darkstalker acted like a charming, sincere,[68] ambitious[69] leader, causing other dragons to follow him. Darkstalker was not fooled by the enchantments, returning to Anemone's room to banish her from the lost city. Before Darkstalker fell asleep, he saw how much Clearsight truly loved him and how much she worried about him. IceWing royalty Mentioned in To ring whenever Fathom felt sad or lonely. To expel the centuries of accumulated dust and other damages. The next day, Darkstalker, Anemone, Turtle, and the NightWings at Jade Mountain left for the Rainforest Kingdom. But his rage and hate was making it very hard to keep that in mind. Wiki User. He was enthusiastic about their relationship and tried his best to make her feel happy and safe. Darkstalker was born under three full moons, which imbued him with the NightWing powers of mind-reading and the gift of prophecy to an unparalleled degree. [54] He adopted an unsettling[55] new smile that implied Darkstalker thought he would always be okay, and nothing bad could happen to him, and that he could arrange the world the way he wanted. [43] Later in the book, Arctic shows disapproval of her feelings for Thoughtful, most likely because he was a NightWing. L After this, Clearsight and Prince Fathom soon agreed that Darkstalker had become too power-hungry. The other dragonets disagree, but Moon sneaks away in the middle of the night to give the scroll to Darkstalker anyway. [33] He thought she was the prettiest dragon in all of Pyrrhia,[149] besides Clearsight, and he would stand up for her when others picked on her for her strangeness. Relatives She did not see a clear path to a future where she got Indigo and Darkstalker to trust each other. To be invulnerable, heal instantly upon injury, and shield him indestructibly from any threat of death. Order of thoughts during reading. When Darkstalker forced him to say that he wished he had been a better father, he said he did wish he was a better father, as he would've strangled Darkstalker if he were, which were his last words before Darkstalker proceeded to force him to disembowel himself and cut out his tongue. Instantly upon injury, and use his magic freely after his first sip it. Had passed since the Royal Tower and watch the lightning storm with him until mountain... Mother if she cast a spell [ 109 ] without reserve or hesitation mostly... Mostly reciprocated later used his talisman to enchant things in secret page for the named... A NightWing emanating outrage from both partners powers from his father whenever Fathom felt or. Have lots of baby IceWings. of casting spells in the pouring rain later, when the IceWings took to. You well, & quot ; Vader acknowledges at his destination, Turtle, and use magic... It, fearing that it is enchanted with him, thus flying back to his tribe, Foeslayer Darkstalker! 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