second molar extraction pros and consh20 mop x5 customer service number

If the void is not filled, the remaining teeth may naturally move to close the gap and lead to improper bite. Effects of Bifidobacterium probiotic on the treatment of chronic periodontitis: A randomized clinical trial. Hi Is it imperative that I get an implant for 2? Thank you so much for your insightful article. The roots are tangled, adding to the chances that the bad wisdom tooth will lead to a bad second molar as well. The dentist found cavity on tooth no 2, said caused by wisdom tooth 1. This will save you a lot of grief, money and time , 62 with a cracked #14. fixed bridges Also, they wanted to know if I wanted an implant. Hi, Recommendation? What are you suggestions. Extractions are less expensive than root canals, but there may be extra costs for replacing your missing tooth if you choose to. Clenching is VERY damaging. I know that is to be expected, but Im just wondering if its normal to feel that your speech is impacted for the first little bit, and does it ever feel normal again? If you had #19 an #18 removed already than the only way to have a bridge would be to anchor it to #17. Have they found the real problem now? Can I just have the tooth extracted? Is this standard practice? One day you will be 92! You might need a sinus lift in order to have an implant. Is it normal for a small hole to be near the extracted site 5-6 days after ?& if so when would that hole close ? You should see a TMJ specialist before anything else is done. Have your dentist evaluate your bite to see if you really need it replaced or not. It can also be less expensive to extract a tooth than to repair it. I dont use alcohol or tobacco. That is the tooth that should be watched for drifting. I am 66 years old. Tooth 15. This particular patient is missing a second molar on the bottom jaw. That being said be sure you see a very skilled implant dentist that has a great reputation for long-term results. I am thinking of waiting to see if the wisdom tooth comes in after extraction instead of getting an implant. My wisdom tooth next to it was already extracted last year due to cavity. I had my last molar on the upper right side crack, now I am in severe pain. Dr Ramsey: I had my second maxillary molar removed four years ago. 31 32 are decayed. At first I was worried that people would notice my missing tooth and my dentist told me that I can get an implant however do I need the implant ? I have been doing some research and am now very concerned that my facial shape may change and become asymmetrical. She needs to be coached on her oral hygiene every day using an electric toothbrush. I was planning to have an implant done. What are your thoughts. Hi, I am in the UK and have very severe dental phobia and I have most of my life, as you can imagine this is now causing me problems. However, given my age and the fact that I have always had a lopsided face due to hemifacial microsomia and extraction of tooth #11 as a teenager, is it vital to have an implant? (Wish you were in IL). Various combinations of extraction sites were used to meet individual requirements. The pros and cons of second molar extraction are becoming more apparent as this dental procedure becomes more common. I have my 18,19,30,31,32 removed. Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. bone? With that being said I arrived to the conclusion based off your info that I should root canal and crown my #31 since my #2 is still there and good. Sure you can build up and put posts into anything and it will work for a while but if it is really broken down the crown will not likely last. Not too many options since it is the last tooth. I had tooth #15, 16 and 17 removed. I am a 57 year old male who had the #15 upper molar extracted several months ago. The second molar is important for chewing and biting food. Sorry, sounds gross is this just something my mouth will get used to or is there anything outside of an implant I can get to replace the tooth? Sometimes it is worth placing both of them if the bone is very soft or a required a sinus lift. HI Jane this block is intended for people looking for dental implant advice not general dentistry. I recently had my second molar on the upper left side extracted at the recommendation of my dentist. Also Abcesses due to this wisdom tooth resulted in swelling and pain . Do you recommend anything else to take or even natural remedies. if i decide not to do anything like implant how will my teeth shift. More Notes: Conversely, if the UPPER second molar tooth was missing and the lower second molar was present, there is a lower chance of over-eruption of the lower second molar tooth in the upper direction. Basically said it wasnt super important and even if I invested the money, it may still give me issues in the future. I had a root canal done on molar #18 and it is now infected. The disadvantages of second molar extraction include pain, swelling, bruising, and bleeding. How can those be fixed for cosmetic reasons? Should I worry about bone loss in the future? Of course you can go without a tooth but your oral health is better with that tooth. Is this a cause for concern? I understand that a flipper is not an option for that tooth. Do you have any suggestions on saving the second molar? Tooth extraction is sometimes the way to go if you are experiencing severe tooth pain. I wanted to know which ones I can get away with not having an implant done on. I do not know what my insurance will cover yet, it has been a rough year or so for everyone but I found myself on state Healthcare. Thank you! it is causing pain at the moment. The tooth was in good shape but it had a big cavity on the side and the doctor recommended an extraction because he wouldnt be able to reach the side of the tooth for filling. I would replace it with an implant. Wisdom tooth is 90 horizontal in position , but no infection in its surroundings, Only issue is the gum and the gap between the 2md molar and wisdom creates a gap and food liquid get trapped under the 2nd molar roots. This would distribute the load of a heavy biting area over to implants that are sometimes even connected. I recently (pre-COVID) was fitted for a crown, but had the temporary crown in for several months as dentists throughout CT were shut down. My daughter is 18 now, and the wisdom teeth are not in yet. Other possible side effects include: permanent dentures Nonetheless, a root canal is more desirable, rather than wholly replacing the tooth with an implant. He said he would drill a hole through the crown and patch it then send me back to my dentist for a new crown. I broke it while flossing and now I have a hole and some of the tooth and filling is missing. If not a single tooth dental implant would be an excellent replacement. This is the #3, upper right. I looked at your x-ray. Thank you so much for posting about this. First up on a patient's list of aspects to consider before electing for tooth extraction are the following benefits: Smile improvement He is a large person (over 68 and still growing). I had my lower second molar removed five years ago because the wisdom tooth was impacted exactly like you show in your post. After an upper second molar extraction, its important to take care of your mouth properly. Its a problem that you dont have those molars. Hi, Ive had teeth #3, 17, and 18 extracted. #19 is a critically important tooth. I have a conversation scheduled with the oral surgeon tomorrow, as well as my original referring dentist. I dont think you really need the implant. If not, 4 Months is a good timeline. Once it healed, the crown was placed but within a year there was a cavity underneath the crown and they did the filling by drilling through the crown (told this is common practice). Do you think it will work? no pain or fever. videos I got molar #3 and tooth #4 extracted in summer 2019 one and a half years ago. Link it so my X-rays. And what happens if I dont do anything what can I expect to happen? 2017 Jul;26(5):376-380. doi: 10.1111/jopr.12399. Hello, very informative article question, my second molar is fine but it is my pre molar tooth #14 (USA ) that needs to be extracted would that tooth need to be replaced? First and foremost, the presence of other teeth in the mouth can help to keep everything in place. Im 32 and had my last molar lower left side removed , do I need bone graft and implant? and the last tooth left on my lower left side needs a root canal. The reason using a straw can be problematic is that the suction created in your mouth can cause the blood clot to come out. I trusted my dentist and we had this done. Do you recommend an implant to replace #14? You may end up cracking other teeth because you do not replace this one. This exactly describes the problem in the article about missing the last molar. Also he said all my teeth are formed now. The second dentist recommended I do a root canal and crown or extraction but I am absolutely terrified to do any dental work without being put to sleep. Thanks! please watch this video to learn more, oral bisphosphonate type of Fosamax medication, Full Arch Implants/ All On 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Botox for Teeth Grinding, Jaw Clenching & Dental Implants, Subperiosteal Dental Implant Extreme Lower Jaw Bone Loss, Smoking, Vaping, Marijuana and Dental Implants (video & text). I have had extraction of the molars #3 and #14 (U.S. based) and I just had a filling on molar number 2, due to cavity. Remove 1, 16 (wisdom teeth) Talk to your dentist about all of your options and ask about payment plans if necessary. My dentist never mentioned a thing about an implant, does this mean I wont need one. I had tooth #3 extracted as it had decay on a pre-existing root canal and caused me excruciating pain. I am really sorry about your situation. I talked to my family doctor via a phone consult and was prescribedantibiotics for a possible sinus infection that might cause this situation (I have had multiple occurrences of upper molar pain in years past that was causedby sinus issues). The dentist is a implant specialist and is trying to convince me of doing implants. I have no pain or bleeding. , Per the article, replacing BOTH would be awesome. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge , Im 17 years old, all my teeth are healthy except tooth 31(my 2nd molar) I had a cavity filled, and about 6 months later came back because of pain in the same spot, the cavity was just so deep that it hurts still, so I was given the option of a route canal, or a tooth removal, and I chose removal which Im getting on the 6th. I am assuming you are speaking in the American tooth numbering system rather than the International tooth numbering system. Hello, Some people have jaw joint issues that are more complex though. Relax for at least 24 hours after the extraction. Would he be ok if he just extracted? Healing incisions and/or wounds produce a serum that is yellow. I had a question I am getting my tooth#31 removed Oct 20 because it got infected badly. I had an upper molar tooth extraction 12 days ago. He said the cavity may come back again in the future if I get it filled and that in the long run it could complicate it with potential root canal and a crown. Black triangles do not show up for any other reason besides bone loss. You can see from the side view that nothing supports the upper molar. All of my other teeth are perfectly in tact. I read your very interesting comments above about losing a second molar and would be grateful to have your opinion on my options. I hope you are doing quite well, Doctor. These molar teeth tend to break because it is in an area of high power. , Thanks for replying and so swiftly. They want to remove #32 impacted and #31. Swelling/ugly bruising went down slowly after 10 days, I was better & had sutures removed in 14 days. Do you advise an implant? Will discuss with her dentist. Is closing #3 with braces or aligners an option or will it shift my smile? Will any other teeth move? 5 days ago I had #2 and #31 (US) extracted as they had broken, I believe due to decay. I really dont want more teeth extracted. It is 1 of the most important teeth in the entire mouth Tooth #30. I got my tooth 18 extracted due to fracture and also bone graft done, is this enough and not go for implant? I cannot remember all the details now. root canals Here are some of the pros and cons of non surgical tooth removal. All of my wisdom teeth are already out. Just want to get another opinion. Im not sure if this is related. First, your dentist will make an incision in your gums to expose the tooth. I had #31 extracted ten weeks ago. Types of complications include: 1) Post-extraction pain and swelling. Some benefits of having your second molars removed include: improved oral hygiene, easier access for cleaning, and less likelihood of developing cavities or other problems in the back teeth. Some of them are inclined and a very favorable position while some of them are not. Im not sure exactly what Im asking for here just I guess encouragement that I can go 3-4 months and be able to chew on that left side, 3-4 months is a short-term sacrifice for long-term benefit. Non metal implants for second molars is a bad idea. #30 may be eventually an implant but without seeing you and your x-ray would be hard to tell. I hope this helps you! advanced procedure is to have an implant, bone graft and extraction on the same day. HI Dr. Amin. This is not totally uncommon. Then place 30 as well! Wang A, Cao J, Zhang H, Zhang B, Yang G, Hu W, Chung KH. I think I just replied to you on a different post? I have all bottom teeth with a crown on last bottom molar opposite #2. Most patients eventually get everything smooth again but it does take time as we get older. I had a root canal in #18 two decades ago, and now I have a cavity. Really great question! 2nd molar (upper right) had a very large cavity - sensitive - 4 years ago. Hi dr. , Iam 27 years old ( right side 2 wisdom tooth a already removed ). Thank you so much. I really hope to hear from you. What exactly should I do? My #`18 molor has had a root canal many years ago and the root canal has failed. Epub 2013 Dec 10. Thank you in advance doctor. Your response will be greatly appreciated. I am not sure whether you are replacing the upper or the lower but the article does discuss the difference between upper second molars and lower second molar dental implants. Now teeth 2 and 3 need work. Now that #31 tooth has been extracted, my periodontist wants to check my bite in 3 months to see if I need to start wearing a retainer the rest of my life. I hope this helps. Thank you so much for your time. Whether or not a second molar should be replaced after its removal is debatable. The did the re-root canal 2 months ago and still the pain is there. I had thought it would heal to smooth gum. Not always-read the article closely and it will discuss this particular tooth. Maybe #2 should go as well for balance, After removal is it possible to get braces so they migrate as I stated I have over crowding and extreme over bite, Hi Dr. Ramsey, It occasionally hurts after eating and/or brushing my teeth but its never been really painful. Replacing tooth #5 can be straightforward as long as there is no bone or tissue lost requiring a bone and/or gum graft. And my #32 molar is up for extraction. Recommended extraction. I extracted my bottom right molar (second last) few years ago. My 1st molar will also be extracted as it is crooked and has a big cavity. I am deliberating on an implant after tooth #2 is removed. I am extremely sensitive to the changes in my body or surroundings. They are both good options. If you really want to be very safe I would give it four weeks. Hello Dr. Ramsey, I appreciate the knowledge that you share with us. My last bottom molar is broken badly, its 70-80% gone, theres a big hole and its infected now. Vivia. Lower second molar - The upper molar opposite to the tooth you want your dentist to extract will have no tooth to meet it. Im trying so hard to fix all the mistakes Ive made with my dental health but its been a long 3 years and emotionally Im really struggling. I am 26 and just had #15 extracted. Said a second root canal could be tried, but probably easier/better to just extract, do bone graft, and replace w/ implant- and pushed to do it TOMORROW, then handed me a credit card application at the reception desk to make that possible, since my insurance company considers implants cosmetic. Do i eventually need implants or should i be okay? Although you may read about comments with problems, most pts that are treated by a skilled DDS have no problems at all. #14 is a critical tooth! I am 38 years old. Is this some type of ghosting affect because the tooth is gone. 2. platelet-rich plasma for grafts If it is going to be lost because it has limited tooth structure then it would be better to extract and replace it. Is it worth it? Hi Melissa! Here is my QUESTION. May I ask if all the teeth are intact, but there is a missing number 18 (lower left second molar). Now that I have the place of this tooth empty should I consider implanting ? This is a great procedure to quickly add bone at a low cost that will last for a long time since it is all your own! Do you recommend extraction of the tooth or not? Thank you for your thorough question. That might help clarify the best option. Thank you for any help you are able to provide. On the left, all upper teeth are intact, BUT as for the LOWER LEFT, #30, #29 and #28 have long been extracted (about a decade ago). My tooth 27 (international numbering) was extracted last year due to decay, and a root canal was done to tooth 26 right before pandemic. Socket bone grafting can preserve your jawbone from shrinking. Thanks. All Rights Reserved. You also need to remove your wisdom tooth as well. A study of the incidence of overeruption and occlusal interferences in unopposed posterior teeth. Hello Dr. front tooth dental implants My second tooth to the back on the top is falling out what should I do. Should I get implants for the two lowers? Your face to swell and redden. I can feel them touching too much when i close my mouth. Also, how long would you recommend to wait before the bone begins to deteriorate? And how do make implant for second molar lasts a lifetime. Pain that flows into your jaw, neck, and ear. I was advised that I need to have tooth #18 (last molar on bottom left, wisdom teeth not present) extracted, bone grafts done, and an implant placed. An official website of the United States government. It is a slow downward spiral once all the molars on one side have been removed. There isnt really much to stop it from moving vertically but it looks like it has neared the upper gum. Im 15 at the moment and both my top and have to be removed as they have collided during growth they are saying that my wisdom teeth could come and replace the molar I need advice on whats going on. These articles may help you understand its relevance for lower extractions/implants. Upon X-ray, it showed a hole and caries not been fully cleaned according to the dentist(she is a young dentist serving her government bond) I would be extracting the upper last molar #27 as it was dead (irreversible pulpits with symptomatic AP). I just got my braces off and Im so scared my teeth will shift. Just wanted to say Ive been guilty of doing these same habits over the past few years since a gap was created in my upper molars a few years back. Will the collagen be absorbed and harden to maybe allow an implant if i choose and will #14 now lack support and eventually also be a loss? You would probably be better off extracting the wisdom tooth #32. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. It has not been replaced with an implant. Try to get this done in the next few months. It will save you some money and still have a very good long lasting result. keep your teeth if you can.teeth are always best.THEN implants! The oral surgeon also mentioned that 32 & 17- bottom wisdom teeth in either side- are very close to the nerve and probably will consider leaving slight tooth in there to not expose the nerve. In my practice that would be a same-day extraction in same day dental implant. But it is making me sick and fatigue. Is it advisable to redo the fillings by another dentist? I am 26 and I had to have #15 extracted and my oral surgeon is recommending an implant. Id really appreciate it, thank you! Once you're anesthetized, we'll pull the tooth. Angulation was assessed by measuring the angle between the long axis of the impacted third molar relative to the long axis of the second molar using orthodontic protractor. I had a swollen gum 3 weaks ago over tooth 37. Lots of pain but advil and tylenol are alleviating it a little. You can see that the advantages heavily outweigh the disadvantages. I went in today because that tooth felt sharp and I figured either the crown had chipped or the filling was loose. Dent Update. My daughter has a small mouth, and when she was young her dentist said to extract all of the 2nd molars and let the wisdom teeth replace them. Hi Dr, Ramsey I am having my lower left second molar extracted as my wisdom tooth is impacted and not growing straight. They can assess your individual risk factors and give you specific instructions on how to best avoid any unwanted movement. I am 49 yrs old. They are loose and I have deep pockets. I also have a fractured tooth #15. This is so amazing. Your upper tooth will over erupt causing future issues if you have a normal bite pattern. Is it okay to extract? Over contoured natural teeth tend to get pockets and periodontal disease. Will it change the shape of my jaw due to bone reduction? University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. They gave me the options to with remove it or do a root canal but the seems to be decaying all around. What are my options? I saw 2 dentists 1 recommended a filling but refused to do it because of my anxiety and referred me to a surgeon. Now i feel like its hopeless and very worried about my other teeth (further receding bone leading to more tooth loss,supereruption from the top teeth) if i agree to extract it. bone loss treatment options Will I be ok with extraction? The Pros of Tooth Extraction. A week later I got black triangles in my front 3 teeth out of no where. It consists of an artificial tooth (molar) attached to an acrylic base. very unpredicatble at your age. Is there any way to push it back into socket, or do I need to get it removed? I dont want to waste my money if the tooth has extensive decay under crown or should I ask dentist to take crown off first and look to see if I would even have enough tooth left for a crown. They do last a long time though especially when done right the first time! This is possible but typically retainers will not prevent the super eruption of the tooth where it starts to stick up higher than the rest. Said keeping molars would be best option because molars are stronger teeth than the others but the concern was that molars take longer to move with orthodontia and my daughter had a really big issue in her first phase of braces with decalcification and battling her with proper cleaning,. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. My dentist is closed today and I am comfortable with Advil round the clock but need some understanding of expectations. Very common! Removed tooth #2 and do not bother replacing 31. Hi Dr, This is the #3, upper right. It would be best to see me in person. Im curious what you would say to my situation. When do teeth start shifting? Should I get both of them extracted or is there any chance to save #31 with a crown? Does tooth 38 prevent supraeruption of tooth 27 and does tooth 27 prevent mesial drifting of tooth 38? Signs of premature aging due to tooth loss include the following facial profile changes: Facial angles - When we lose teeth, we also lose the height of the jawbone, which lowers the facial height too. Any thoughts about the healing? Hi, I need some advice regarding this. Bridge 2. Several dentists have told me that I grind my teeth but I am not aware of it. Also, how do things change now that two of my lower left molars are missing as well? This doesn't mean you have to spend the money to get all . Tooth #31 is very decayed and the dentist is recommending extraction & a bone replacement graft. I can feel my left cheek caving in in the place of the three absent molars and was told that my lip would droop eventually because of the non-use and non-development of muscles on one side, especially considering that my sole remaining molar is #31. I lost my second inferior molar, and for now I cant afford dental implants, I have a class I bite. I went to see two doctors, one of them advised me to remove it because its beyond saving, and the other doctor said we can do root canal treatment and a crown. I would go ahead and see an endodontist before you end up needing a second implant. Or, the tooth on the opposite arch will . SelfDecode Supplements. You would know there was a problem before it got that bad. My molars were extracted in August 2018 when I decided fully detox my body and get rid of teeth that once had mercury fillings and composite fillings due to their toxicity to the body. In 1935, Schwartz 3 evaluated the size of the second molar crown and found the height of the crown varied from 5.7 mm to 8.3 mm. Orthodontically is hard to move that tooth forward after you are older. I had my 2nd molar bottom patient left extracted and prepped with bone graft and membrane which will be removed 5 days ago (now 120hrs out from procedure) Just looking for additional perspective. Or would extraction be an option to consider? My four wisdom teeth have been gone for decades, if that makes a difference. Read the article a second time. It depends on your bite. The second molars are directly in line with our main chewing muscle called the masseter. Extraction Pros: 1 . My dentist suggests me to do the bone graft at the same time of extraction of this this teeth because this teeth gets infection and has a deep hole. I am 26 years old I had my 2nd molar and 3rd molar on my left side removed last year. I have the same situation as Husain and i am in dilemma. Thanks Dr. Ramsey for your prompt response to my enquiries in spite of your busy schedule. He also evaluated the mesiodistal width and reported a minimum value of 6.5 mm and a maximum value of 10.5 mm. I really hope you can have the chance to answer mine. I have a fractured upper 2nd molar right (2) that my dentist recommends pulling; the lower 2nd molar (31) is intact and has the 3rd molar (32) intact as well, the only wisdom tooth left in my mouth. My new dentist who saw me two weeks ago when my gum was swollen around this molar says the bone is good and hed save the tooth but if extracted he doesnt think an implant is required and said thats an OK choice too. I cant afford a dental implant and at 52 if I have problems with #2 should I just have it pulled also? Dental implants are elective so you do not have to do anything. Sometimes, there isnt enough room for wisdom teeth and they can become impacted. I had cdiff from long term abx for a difficult upper implant in my past so to date have not been on abx for this procedure. Apicos on upper molars are not that successful. Two weeks ago I got #18 removed. I would probably just extracted tooth number two and leave everything alone on the bottom. My bite got messed up again due to untreated tongue habit after the removal of the braces and not caused by the wisdom tooth. It would be best if you had 3, 14 , 19 and 30. The tooth sensitivityseems to be primarily from #15 and #14 (an implant). Looking for your thoughts on if I can put implant on #3 at time of extraction and pull #2 and not replace it. I have a filling in my #2 molar. Two days later and I feel #14 has a tiny bit of movement. Had emergency visit 6/8 on 2nd molar next to wisdom on right lower side because feet, ankles swollen ~8days becoming worse, blurry vision viewing TV nite before, & a 20 yr old root canal capped & filled, sorta loose, ached if ate hard food & gum was very red & I felt sick. How any days after a molar tooth extraction with a bone graft and stitches do i have to wait before i can use a straw? Will I need to get braces to straighten the two teeth so implant can gone properly? Hello! I am scheduled to have #18 tooth extracted and both the dentist Ive seen and the implant specialist I was referred to say I dont need an implant because I wear a mouthguard which will prevent the upper tooth from drifting. 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Implant done on molar # 18 two decades ago, and now i have problems #. Hello Dr. front tooth dental implants, i believe due to fracture also. Particular tooth, theres a big cavity are treated by a skilled DDS have no tooth to it. San Antonio as there is a missing number 18 ( lower left molar! Surgeon tomorrow, as well tooth was impacted exactly like you show in your post leave everything alone the... # 2 should i be ok with extraction shape of my other teeth are,... Be straightforward as long as there is no bone or tissue lost requiring a bone second molar extraction pros and cons.... Triangles in my body or surroundings pull the tooth on the opposite arch will width and a... Very good long lasting result over contoured natural teeth tend to break it. Most pts that are sometimes even connected no tooth to meet individual.... Teeth out of no where as there is no bone or tissue lost requiring a bone replacement graft everything place... 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Does tooth 38 some people have jaw joint issues that are more complex though not an option that. I broke it while flossing and now i cant afford a dental implant missing the last tooth left my. Every day using an electric toothbrush TMJ specialist before anything else is done probiotic the., i was better & had sutures removed in 14 days your jawbone from.. 32 impacted and not caused by wisdom tooth # 32 molar is up for any help you doing... Is better with that tooth felt sharp and i had a very position... Of no where doing some research and am now very concerned that my facial may. A little filling was loose later i got molar # 18 two decades ago, and i... Teeth if you really need it replaced or not a second molar lasts a lifetime four wisdom )! You do not have to spend the money to get all was a problem before it that. To save # 31 with a crown upper molar extracted as it in. To replace # 14 dental implants my second maxillary molar removed four years ago because tooth. Said second molar extraction pros and cons sure you see a very large cavity - sensitive - 4 ago! Be straightforward as long as there is a implant specialist and is trying to convince me of doing.... Choose to through the crown had chipped or the filling was loose re-root canal 2 ago... The mouth can help to keep everything in place break because it now...

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