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Verbraucherschutz-Podcast: Finanzbildung ber soziale Medien funktioniert das? One example: the technology is used in transaction and sentiment analysis, also called opinion mining. Dem entgegen steht die eher nchterne Betrachtung Heiner Pollerts: Vor einer neutral denkenden Maschine habe ich weniger Angst als vor der Eitelkeit und Eifersucht eines menschlichen Entscheidungstrgers. Als Grnder und CEO von Patentpool das Mnchner Unternehmen ist ein Mix aus Risikokapitalgeber und Company Builder setzt Pollert den Fokus auf disruptive Technologien in den Bereichen Nachhaltigkeits- und Informationstechnologie, Technikwissenschaft sowie Medizin/Pharma. So I came to the conclusion that patents, on the other hand, are as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar and flush large amounts into their applicants coffers if someone violates them. We have a roadmap that follows a nine-point plan. One example: the technology is used in transaction and sentiment analysis, also called opinion mining. About 3,000 ideas and projects a year get our scrutinizing eye. People with similar name. There are countless companies thriving for innovation and change that are putting extra funds Are you looking to move your IT company from one building to another? 1 AktG und 7 Abs. Stets mit einem Ohr am Gleis der Innovation, gelingt es Patentpool technische Entwicklungen frhzeitig zu erkennen und durch ein effizientes Management in jeder Projektphase erfolgreich zu transformieren. As a SaaS solution, AI systems and technologies provide recommendations for action and future predictions for retailers and producers. Vergrern Sie die Reichweite Ihrer Marke authentisch und teilen Sie Markeninhalte mit Kreativen im Internet. As the initiator of the fund, the Patentpool Group thus offers investors the potential of participating in the value creation of future technologies. The basic technology has been used illegally and free of charge by numerous international companies for years, including Amazon, Apple, Google, IBM, Cisco, Huawei, and Siemens. Pollert is an expert in the fields of intellectual property and innovation management. "Manager der Innovationen", Forbes Magazin (PDF, 2MB), "Manager der Innovationen", forbes.at, 27.04.2021, Video Interview von Dr. Pollert, Sebastian Ptzsch und Forbes-Redakteurin Andrea Glsemann auf Youtube.com, Credit Suisse RavenPack AI Index gewinnt Index of the Year Award 2022, Wispr und CryptoDATA Tech werden Titelsponsoren des Moto GP am Red Bull Ring in sterreich, Tech Times berichtet ber Blockchain-Messenger-App Wispr, Die Gala zur Verleihung 2022 ein voller Erfolg, Hightech Value Pool: Nachhaltigkeit nachgewiesen. Suunto d6 - Der Vergleichssieger der Redaktion. 2.3K. We are, I can say with confidence, efficient managers of patentable technologies. Manchmal dauert es etwas bis man einen gemeinsamen Nenner findet. With the help of high-quality content, the company is creating the largest information network in Germany for physicians in private practice and those who want to become one. Collections; Project #ShowUs; Creative Insights; EDITORIAL; . A clear allocation of tasks is always ensured: Our experts take on all business functions so that the innovators can concentrate exclusively on the technical development. DR HEINER POLLERT KONRAD STR 2, MUNICH. #134 Patentrechtlich schutzfhige Technologien frdern, "Dr. Heiner Pollert (Patentpol Group) im Podcast Format "WasHeldenTun"", Youtube, 05.03.2021, "Patentrecht: Schutzfhige Technologien frdern", W&V Podcast, 05.03.2021, Credit Suisse RavenPack AI Index gewinnt Index of the Year Award 2022, Wispr und CryptoDATA Tech werden Titelsponsoren des Moto GP am Red Bull Ring in sterreich, Tech Times berichtet ber Blockchain-Messenger-App Wispr, Die Gala zur Verleihung 2022 ein voller Erfolg, Hightech Value Pool: Nachhaltigkeit nachgewiesen. At the root of this is our unique expertise as a company builder: we reduce investment risks by focusing on patent-protected technologies and then actively managing them. The aim was to implement his Dynamic IT System Architecture and his Internet concepts, considered revolutionary at that time. Dr. Heiner Pollert holds a doctorate in intellectual property law and is an expert in innovation management. Dr. Heiner Pollert im Interview mit der Redaktion von FIRM, ber KI und den Durchbruch zukunftsweisender Technologien in der Finanzbranche. Dazu zhlt Prisma Analytics, das mittels KI eine digitale Abbildung der realen Welt erschafft und mit der Prognosefunktion Antworten auf die groen Fragen der Menschheit etwa jene rund um den Klimawandel liefern knnen soll. Juni 2022 in Augsburg verliehen. In 1998, he founded the Patentpool Group, where he is still CEO. Heiner Pollert ist promovierter Jurist, ehemaliger TV-Produzent und grndete 1998 die Patentpool Group. In the Tosca Project, Zoe could also see to it that Microsoft Deutschland GmbH is now confronted with patent infringement. Zoes legal team is however experienced in international infringement proceedings and has already collected hundreds of millions of euros for international clients in past proceedings against IT and other technology companies. Thankfully, the skills needed to manage innovation projects are very similar to those needed for TV projects. Dr. Heiner Pollert's Post. Digitizing Healthcare with Cloud Computing; Interview With A. Hadi Chaudhry, CEO and President of CareCloud, Best Microsoft Project Alternatives of 2022, Next Level of Celebrity Culture in Asia: Interview with Co-founder of Gemie. Should a portfolio company exit, the fund distributes 50% of the proceeds to investors and reinvests 50% in the fund. Die Zusammenarbeit basiert auf einer Kooperations-Vereinbarung mit Dell UK. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Dr. Heiner's connections and jobs at similar companies. The vast majority of big tech messengers still falls short of guaranteeing privacy. Various international high-tech corporations have been illegally using this technology, patented in Germany and Great Britain, free of charge for years. Wir arbeiten nur in Ausnahmefllen mit vom Laura scott einkaufstrolley Leiter der Herstellung gestellten Testprodukten. From this point on, in most cases, we take over the operational management and commercial work in contrast to many venture capital companies. Thus was born the world market leader for news analysis in the financial industry: RavenPack. Another way to monetize the intellectual property right is to sell it to potential infringers or international collecting societies. Over such a length of time, as you can imagine, weve learned what innovations need to become successful. Von 1992 bis 1996 war Heiner Pollert in der Geschftsleitung der MPS Medien Produktion Stuttgart GmbH, einem Unternehmen der Familie Porsche. Aus diesem Grund kmmern sich die Experten bei Patentpool mit ihrem wissenschaftlichen, technischen und finanziellen Know-how nicht nur um das Patentmanagement, sondern auch um die Kapitalbeschaffung fr das Unternehmen, das ein Patent anmelden und daraus eine neue Technologie entwickeln mchte., "Innovationen managen | Heiner Pollert, CEO Patentpool: #GMV", Youtube, 22.02.2021, Credit Suisse RavenPack AI Index gewinnt Index of the Year Award 2022, Wispr und CryptoDATA Tech werden Titelsponsoren des Moto GP am Red Bull Ring in sterreich, Tech Times berichtet ber Blockchain-Messenger-App Wispr, Die Gala zur Verleihung 2022 ein voller Erfolg, Hightech Value Pool: Nachhaltigkeit nachgewiesen. These aspects include secure data communication as well as the server-side creation of web pages. With the Munich-based Patentpool Group recently joining the project as an anchor investor, Wispr is looking to become one of the leading messenger apps. At the end of the 1990s, the Patentpool Group, the force behind Zoe Life Technologies AG, was working together with the US computer scientist and IT system architect Hardy Schloer. It starts with visionary sourcing, underpinned by a meticulous due diligence process, and leads to a project pipeline with promising innovations. Das Forbes Magazin berichtet in der aktuellen, deutschsprachigen Ausgabe mit einem Artikel ber 3 Seiten, sowie online als auch in einem ausfhrlichen Video-Interview mit der Redakteurin Andrea Glsemann ber Dr. Heiner Pollert als Grnder und CEO der Patentpool Group und das Target Prisma Analytics. Any and all looking for job openings or wanting to submit speculative applications are welcome viapatentpool.de/karriere. Dazu passt, dass der Anteil der staatlichen Ausgaben fr Forschung . Einen Nenner, der dann einen objektiven Artikel ermglicht, der nicht nur auf von unserer Redaktion recherchierten Fakten beruht, sondern auch auf direkte Antworten des Betroffenen. Dr. Heiner Pollert Grnder und Geschftsfhrer bei PATENTPOOL Group Published Feb 16, 2021 + Follow Hinter uns liegt ein turbulentes Jahr - keine Frage. Our company history stretches back more than 20 years. Wir prfen rund 3.000 Ideen und Projekte pro Jahr - und beteiligen uns nur an wenigen", sagt Dr. Heiner Pollert, CEO der Patentpool-Gruppe. Should we win, Microsoft will be threatened with considerable costs. Die Patentpool Group im Magazin DER MITTELSTAND als innovatives Best Practice Unternehmen. Retail and wholesale trade are connected here on one platform. We work extensively with universities as well as the aforementioned German Institute for Inventions to filter out less viable prospects and end up with the right start-ups. Das beste Innovationprojekt erhlt eine Finanzierung in Hhe von 100.000 Euro in Form einer Unternehmensbeteiligung und wird zustzlich in den Bereichen Konzeption, Grndung, Finanzierung, Controlling und Management untersttzt sowie als neues Target in das Portfolio der Patentpool Group aufgenommen. The next step will be to settle the amount of compensation in court or out of court. Dr. jur. Modesto, CA 95355 (209) 577-3792. Heres the patent policy: the innovation is so complex and radical that not all ideas involved could be secured. Viele Innovationen haben das Potenzial, eine Branche zu verndern. Keine . Several of these applications have already received very big fines in the past because they aren't adhering to privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Another example is security-relevant software. This ensures that typical founding mistakes are avoided and the innovators can concentrate on the respective technology., I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data for the purpose of contacting me. Pollert beschftigt sich bereits seit ber 20 Jahren mit der Frderung und Transformation von patentrechtlich schutzfhigen Technologien und Frhphaseninvestments. Lara-Joy Krner , Ehemann Dr. Heiner Pollert, 38. Were currently considering legal action in the UK a patent was also granted for that country. When things go as desired, a successful exit takes place after a few years point nine of the plan. Bekanntmachung der Allgemeinverfgung zum Bezug und zur Anwendung monoklonaler Antikrper und zum Bezug und zur Abgabe antiviraler, oral einzunehmender Arzneimittel gegen COVID-19. Read more . However, were dead chuffed that weve been able to successfully continue on this path to this day. Lets start withAircoating Technologies. 1984 grndete Heiner Pollert die PRIMA Film- und Bhnenproduktion, deren Geschftsfhrer er auch wurde. After the completion of the RavenPack system, programmers migrated to other companies, and the patent-protected know-how continued to spread. Do not reproduce without permission. We focus on future and growth markets of all kinds and the global megatrends, which specifically range from extremely sophisticated IT solutions to the medical use of cannabis. Since 1998 we have been servicing selected innovations from future-oriented markets and are concerned to let investors partake in the resulting opportunities. For the time being, at least. If we see a promising risk profile, we suggest to the innovation provider that they found a company in partnership with us. In 1998 he founded the Patentpool Group in Munich, focused on innovation management for seed-stage and start-up companies. In der aktuellen Ausgabe des neuen TV-Formats F15des Forbes Magazins interviewt Redakteurin Andrea Glsemann Dr. Heiner Pollert und spricht mit ihm ber den Status Quo von Innovationsgeist und Erfindertum in Deutschland, ber Chancen und Risiken knstlicher Intelligenz und ber die Potenziale nachhaltiger Innovationen und disruptiver Zukunftstechnologien. Innerhalb von 24 Stunden hat uns Dr. Pollert nun die fr uns wichtigen Fragen beantwortet. Does the mere thought of attending an Interview and missing a question shake you Orbeon Protocol (ORBN)s investors have continued to enjoy the cryptos appreciation since its presale VISHNU REDDY, who claims to be the CEO of HOGAR CONTROLS, is a serial History of the Jordan The history of Jordan is one that has been shaped Alzheimers is the most common form of dementia. !denkt bitte dran das ihr die 1000 Xden nur ber die Team Links bekommt.!! Dr. Heiner Pollert CEO and founder of Patentpool Group & Prisma Analytics GmbH "By bringing knowledge to the world as a utility and allowing people equally access to actionable knowledge, we . 2023 Tech Times LLC. This is big data management at its best and is mainly used for financial information, one of Prisma Analytics major branches. So war es auch in Sachen Patentpool. This browser does not support HTML5 Video. We seized on his technological visions, visions he had previously pursued under the project name Tosca. We are thrilled to announce that Canify A/S took a big step forward and has merged with a German pharmaceutical company, Bavaria Weed GmbH - one of the first German pharmaceutical companies with a license for unlimited production, importation, and packaging of cannabis raw materials. This is an enabling technology that was illegally used for free by various international companies in the high-tech industry for years. Up to 200 million euros is designated as the size of the fund, the geographical focus is on Germany and Europe. Sure. Das Management in Zusammenarbeit mit einem Wirtschaftsprfer. AILSA JEAN POLL - CHENHALLS FARMHOUSE MAENPORTH ROAD MAWNAN SMITH, FALMOUTH AILSA JEAN POLL - FIRST FLOOR HIGH WATER HOUSE MALPAS ROAD, TRURO Heres the patent policy: the innovation is so complex and radical that not all ideas involved could be secured. Das Projekt RavenPack wurde 1999 gemeinsam mit der Patentpool Group ins Leben gerufen. Always with an eye to patent protectability. Simultaneously, we operate the start-up and, as managers, actively take care of all business management tasks, such as financing, controlling, marketing, sales, and networking. The fund is already invested in four fascinating high-tech companies: Arcware, Frontnow, Prisma Analytics, and Aircoating Technologies. "Deutscher Filmball", Hotel "Bayerischer Hof", Mnchen, Bayern, Deutschland, Europa, roter Teppich, schwanger . The HVP fund clearly stands out next to other early-stage funds. From word-of-mouth and letters to calls, emails, SMS, and messenger apps, there seems to always be a more advanced way to communicate. As is so often the case with groundbreaking innovations, the C-suite, those responsible in the executive floors and development departments of the companies addressed, refused to cooperate. As a SaaS solution, AI systems and technologies provide recommendations for action and future predictions for retailers and producers. A lot of know-how leaked to the outside world, an unavoidable outcome when presenting technologies. Well, if were interested in an idea, a technology, or a project, we really put the project under the microscope. Definitely, just about always! We seized on his technological visions, visions he had previously pursued under the project name Tosca. Der Aktuelle Wert von Xden betrgt !! The basic technology has been used illegally and free of charge by numerous international companies for years, including Amazon, Apple, Google, IBM, Cisco, Huawei, and Siemens. The coating reduces the frictional resistance of ships in the water, for example, in turn reducing energy consumption and emissions enormously. For this reason, RavenPack concentrated in the following years on developing its own application of the technology, which was as lucrative as possible, and on using it entrepreneurially. Das Geschftsmodell der PATENTPOOL-Gruppe ist die Vermarktung von patentfhigen Technologien. Retail and wholesale trade are connected here on one platform. As the initiator of the fund, the Patentpool Group thus offers investors the potential of participating in the value creation of future technologies. Despite several scientific publications on Schloer technology, only a few experts examined the potential behind this novel way of handling data. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), New Survey Shows Over a Thousand Ancient Maya Cities Linked By the First Network of Highways, Heart Attack Repair Protein Injection Developed by Australian Researchers to Reverse Damages on Muscles, US Schools Struggle to Adapt as Students Use ChatGPT AI Tool to Cheat Schoolwork, Node Air Partners with JetX to Build a Completely New, Unique Aircraft, Microsoft's New AI Can Mimic Anyone's Voice! Zu uns kommen Innovationsgeber (Erfinder), die nicht nur Kapital von uns wollen, sondern auch, dass wir mit ihnen eine Firma grnden und diese gemeinsam aufbauen. Dr. Heiner Pollert, First Chairman of the sponsoring association "Deutsches Institut fr Erfindungswesen e.V." and Prof. Dr. Alexander Wurzer, Spokesman of the Board of Trustees, paid tribute to Renate Pilz's entrepreneurial spirit. Claims can be asserted retroactively for a period of up to ten years. In fact, the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) commenced an investigation into WhatsApp back in December 2018, and the outcome of this investigation was bad news for WhatsApp. View Dr. Heiner Pollert's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Starting in 2000, RavenPack AG, founded jointly by Patentpool and Schloer and financed with investor capital, began marketing the technology underlying this patent in various fields of application. Copyright 2021 TechBullion. Finally, on 7 October 2021, the Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe handed down its decision: our subsidiary Zoe Life Technologies AG won, in its entirety, its action for annulment X 98/19 against Microsoft Deutschland GmbH. Edain Coin, Dell Technology Frdert Coin de Wissens in Zusammenarbeit mit Cryptodata und Prisma-analytics.Sei ein Teil der Grten Digitalen Krypto Wissensbank der Welt.Aktuell gibt es beim Kauf eines Laptops und Miners 1000Xden auf die Hand. Dr. Heiner Pollert, CEO und Grnder der Patentpool Group im Gesprch mit dem Autor und Podcaster Dominik Hoffmann vom W&V Verlag.Das ganze Gesprch, im Rahme. Dr. Heiner Pollert holds a doctorate in intellectual property law and is an expert in innovation management. Das Ziel: technische Innovationen patentrechtlich zu schtzen, sie finanziell zu frdern und zu managen. I came up with the idea of launching this business model during my time as a film producer. I came up with the idea of launching this business model during my time as a film producer. We actively build and hone the company from the very beginning, both financially and strategically. Our unique selling proposition is above all that we build up companies hand-in-hand with our innovators, using all our experience and all core business management functions. Lara Joy Krner and husband Heiner Pollert Munich At The Party After The German Film Ball in the Hotel Bayerischer Hof in. All Rights Reserved. The focus was on a so-called gatekeeper function. This company has developed a technology that can extract, analyze and correlate a variety of structured and unstructured information from digital sources in real-time. Numerous project approaches were offered, and on several occasions, to IT industry entities, including Microsoft. State-of-the-art technologies ensure that every interaction with other users is protected. Nationality: GERMAN. Mit im Portfolio: Prisma Analytics, das mit Big-Data-Analysen Antworten auf die groen Fragen unserer Zeit liefern soll. Ideally, we participate in basic technologies in the early phase, i.e., as shareholders. When we started The Tosca Project about ten years ago, it was clear to us that a project of this magnitude would take time, especially if Microsoft chooses the action for annulment tactic common to patent infringements. Starting in 2000, RavenPack AG, founded jointly by Patentpool and Schloer and financed with investor capital, began marketing the technology underlying this patent in various fields of application. Recently, the Hightech Valuepool (HVP) was launched an exciting investment vehicle. Gauner: Onex Corporation / Canoodle Solutions Ltd, BaFin warnt: Handelsplattform Crypto SuperStar BaFin ermittelt gegen verantwortliche Betreiber. Microsoft will be to settle the amount of compensation in court or out of court groen unserer! Aim was to implement his dr heiner pollert it System Architecture and his Internet concepts, revolutionary! That time patentable technologies by a meticulous due diligence process, and several!, focused on innovation management the completion of the fund, the Patentpool Group in,. Servicing selected innovations from future-oriented markets and are concerned to let investors partake in the of... 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